It is me. I am her. #HashtagFeminism #F

This post originally appeared on December 21, 2013 written by founder, Tara L. Conley. It was the first full-length piece published on Hashtag Feminism. At the bottom of the post, you’ll find an archive of the first blurb posts on Hashtag Feminism.

It is me. I am her  #F RT @TheJLV @hashtagfeminism oh that’s YOU!? well alright now ..

— Tara L. Conley (@taralconley) December 21, 2013

I’m an observer by birth and an ethnographer by training. I like to watch people. I like to research environments. I like to build things with digital words and artifacts. That is why Hashtag Feminism exists. Yesterday evening Twitter suspended @hashtagfeminism because they didn’t know who we were. Someone most likely reported the account as spam. After a quick email and after I unauthorized some wack widgets, we were up and running within ten minutes of being shut down.

I woke up Saturday morning to folks talking about @hashtagfeminism, wondering who it was, skeptical it might just be another troll. Indeed, in an era of digital harassment and contentious Twitter conversations about race, class, abelism, transphobia, and politics, I understand why people would be weary of what appeared to be an anonymous Twitter handle.

I’m here to say that @hashtagfeminism is me. I am @hashtagfeminism. I own this domain you are currently viewing, along with (which redirects here). I am not a troll. I ponder. I set up this website and logo in a day so I can immediately begin to build and engage an audience that I am utterly fascinated by and of which I am part.

As I said on Twitter earlier today from my personal account @taralconley:

Hi all. Yes, I own as well as (which redirects). I also own @hashtafeminism. — Tara L. Conley (@taralconley) December 21, 2013

I want to build a digital space where we can explore how we talk about and archive feminism. #F @hashtagfeminism — Tara L. Conley (@taralconley) December 21, 2013

My vision is for is to be a generative space of analysis, debate, and exploration. #F @hashtagfeminism

— Tara L. Conley (@taralconley) December 21, 2013

My aim is to produce quality original content of analysis and mediaworks. #F@hashtagfeminism

— Tara L. Conley (@taralconley) December 21, 2013

If you are interested in building *with* me, holla atcha girl! #F @hashtagfeminism

— Tara L. Conley (@taralconley) December 21, 2013

I’m currently running this show solo dolo, but I suspect that won’t be the case for long. I want to involve the voices and perspectives I’ve so long been engaged with, along with new perspectives that rarely get seen by mainstream outlets and broad audiences.

I don’t see this as just another feminist blog. I see Hashtag Feminism as a digital space comprised of all kinds of works, including media and art. How can we explore our lives with video, interactive media, and prose?

If you are interested in getting involved, which I hope you are, shoot me an email to inquiries [at] hashtagfeminism [dot] com. Tell me about yourself. What wakes you up in the morning? Why are you compelled to write and create? Why Twitter? Also check out the submissions page to contribute!

Venture capitalists welcome. 

I can’t wait to get this going. I’m ready. Are you?

As always, share your thoughts below.


UPDATE: Emails are coming in from contributors. I’d like to pay them. Click the donate button below to donate to Hashtag Feminism. All donations will go directly to writers, designers, and mediamakers.


Roseanne Barr says #TwitterFeminism is “purging of feminist speech & opinion”


Jenn (@reappropriate) asks ‘what’s next?’ for #NotYourAsianSidekick #F #MillennialManifesta