Instructional Technology and Media Design

Technology and media are useful tools to increase student participation while also documenting their work overtime. Below I highlight three examples of technologies and media platforms I use most frequently for classroom instruction.

Click to expand example from my classroom.

Collaborative Notes

I use collaborative notes for classroom instruction as a way to keep students engaged using technology. I can keep track of students' participation during class and also track student participation outside of class time using the history function in Google Docs. Collaborative notes is a great way to document student work, and gestures to them that I trust they will use laptops productively in class.

Click to expand example from my workshop.

Polls and Chats

Poll Everywhere and Backchannel Chat are useful tools to use when presenting content to my students. I have used both platforms while giving lectures and leading classroom discussions. Students can log on or use their cell phones to answer polls, ask questions, and/or post content online.

Click to image to view full guide.

Click to image to view full guide.

digital design

I design supplementary guidebooks for courses to enhance student learning. The guidebooks I create serve two primary purposes: 1) model design work for student assignments, and 2) to provide additional context and historical perspectives for course content. Click here to see the full version of a design guide for Race, Ethnicity, and Media.

In addition to the technologies mentioned above, I incorporate low and non-tech tools for teaching that emphasizes collaboration and movement and utilizes classroom space.

Students working collaboratively on a design project in my summer design thinking course (2019).

Students working collaboratively on a design project in my summer design thinking course (2019).