Is Christmas a Feminist Issue? #FeministXmas #Fcurates

This post originally appeared on December 25, 2013 written by Hashtag Feminism’s first head writer, Kelly Ehrenreich.

A week ago British writer Richard Godwin tweeted “Christmas is a feminist Issue”

WHY CHRISTMAS IS A FEMINIST ISSUE. A special festive column for y’all:

— Richard Godwin (@richardjgodwin) December 18, 2013

Godwin’s article points to the prevalence of gender stereotypes and alarming upticks in domestic violence during the holidays. This got @hashtagfeminism thinking about other ways feminism overlaps with December 25th. How do feminists treat Xmas in whatever way they recognize it? There are devoted Christians who identify as feminists. There are also fairly secular feminists who celebrate Christmas, and then there are those who don’t celebrate at all. In some way or another we all have something to say about feminism this holiday season.

On this Christmas Eve we are looking at feminism and faith. Do the two conflict? — MillennialWomanSpeak (@milwomanspeaks) December 24, 2013

If you celebrate Christmas, how do you incorporate feminism into your celebration? Do you prefer feminist Christmas carols or feminist Christmas movies? We found a few suggestions from the#TwitterFeminism community on how to bring a little feminist cheer to your holidays.

There’s feminist napkins and t-shirts…

Feminist napkins at Christmas Eve cuz that’s how the Swigarts roll — Alyssletoe Swigart (@alyssaswigart) December 24, 2013


Wearing my Xmas gift. Music on. Food prep underway. Totally set to #destroythejoint. How goes your — Destroy The Joint (@JointDestroyer) December 24, 2013

Cook-your-own-damn-dinner feminists…

Gotta let Mom know that, I’m a ‘Nigerian Twitter Feminist’ so I’m not cooking anything for anyone this Christmas.

— Aeon (@4Laa) December 24, 2013


Militant feminists….kinda.

"my favorite Christmas carol is We Three Queens"- oma, a militant feminist

— Grace Curtin (@gurtin) December 24, 2013

Charitable feminists…

Wouldn't it be great if all #twitterfeminism Tweeps donated a gift to a woman or child in a refuge this Xmas? #feministXmas

— Claire OT (@claireOT) December 22, 2013

Awesome feminist daughters with awesome dads…

"Well behaved women rarely make history." My dad knows me well. #christmas #present#bracelet #feminist

— muñeca canela. (@_terpsich0re) December 25, 2013

Feminist books!

Brilliant Christmas present for kids: a picture book of feminist heroes, from Aung San Suu Kyi to @tavitulle

— Benjamin Law (@mrbenjaminlaw) December 21, 2013

What does feminism mean to you this holiday season? Do you have any feminist wishes for the holidays? Tweet us @hashtagfeminism, include the hashtag #feministxmas.


Evolution of the #BlackTwitter Hashtag #F


Happy Holidays From Your New BFF #Feminism!