Top Feminist Hashtags of 2013 (Explained) #F

This post originally appeared on December 29, 2013 written by founder, Tara L. Conley.

In case you need a quick reference guide about what some of your favorite feminist hasthags of 2013 mean and how they evolved over time, here ya go!

#TwitterFeminism – First appeared three years ago but it’s meaning has since evolved into an umbrella term that, depending on who you ask encompasses all that is right, or all that is wrong with feminist discourse on Twitter.

The #twitterfeminism backlash isn’t really about social media vs. “real feminism.” It’s a few white cis ladypundits fearful it’s working.

— Melissa Gira Grant (@melissagira) December 19, 2013

#NotYourAsianSidekick – First appeared on December 14, 2013 and was created by @suey_park as a way to engage in a critical conversation about Asian American feminism. To date,#NotYourAsianSidekick is one of the fastest growing feminist hashtags to spread globally.

I will never apologize for being angry about your racism. #NotYourAsianSidekick

— Alyssa Wong (@crashwong) December 16, 2013

#fem2 – First appeared on December 15, 2008 when @blogdiva responded to a tweet about what to call feminism on Twitter. Ever since, the hashtag has grown and continues to be the longest running, widely used, and consistently referenced feminist hashtag on Twitter.

Justice Sotomayor will trigger ball drop on #NYE! Love that an amazing woman will help ring in 2014. #Fem2 #NYE2014

— Jaclyn Munson (@OnwardnFword) December 30, 2013

#femfuture – First appeared on December 18, 2009 when @shelbyknox tweeted a request for a hashtag that describes the work of young feminist activists. The hashtag is now widely associated with

Launch of something like femfuture once again reminds me how centered most of feminism is in a single location, even when talking online.

— Jessica W. Luther (@scATX) April 8, 2013

#BeyonceThinkPieces – First appeared on December 18, 2013 and was created by @adriananova_in response to the flood of articles, blog posts, and analyses published about Beyonce and her latest album. The hashtag is perhaps one of the most humorous and witty feminist-leaning hashtags to come out of 2013.

I Woke Up Like This: How Beyonce Is Erasing The Voice Of Women Who Wrap Their Hair At Night #beyoncethinkpieces

— Brokey McPoverty (@brokeymcpoverty) December 18, 2013

#MyFeminismLooksLike – First appeared on December 14, 2013 and was created by @prisonculture, again inspired by Beyonce’s record-breaking album. The hashtag celebrates the various ways feminism looks according self-identified feminists.

This evening, #myfeminismlookslike (I don't do photos so…)

— Prison Culture (@prisonculture) December 15, 2013

#SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen – First appeared on August 12, 2013 and was created by @Karnythiain response to status quo feminism and Hugo Swytzher. The hashtag continues to evolve.

.@anidifranco holding a retreat on a plantation exemplifies #solidarityisforwhitewomen in the worst way possible.

— mj (@munachao) December 28, 2013

#FastTailedGirls – First appeared in 2010 but it’s meaning has since transformed from a commonly used pejorative to demean Black girls, to now cited as one of the fastest growing hashtags that explores the lifestories of Black women’s sexuality, thanks in large part to its primary purveyor @Karnythia.

At it's core, #FastTailedGirls is blaming children for the actions of grown men. Don't wear this, don 't move like this…just don't exist.

— Reagan Gomez (@ReaganGomez) November 30, 2013


2013: The Year of the Feminist Hashtag #FeminismMeans #F


Evolution of the #BlackTwitter Hashtag #F