Top Feminist Hashtags of 2013 #F

This post originally appeared on December 23, 2013 written by founder, Tara L. Conley. It was the first post of its kind to rank top feminist hashtags of the era.

Yesterday I posted about the life stories of our favorite feminist hashtags. Today I breakdown the top feminist hashtags of 2013, including: 

#TwitterFeminism #NotYourAsianSideKick #fem2#femfuture #BeyonceThinkPieces #MyFeminismLooksLike #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen and #FastTailedGirls. Yes, honey, I created an entire infographic. #Geekshit.

If you really appreciate the work, then donate to my labor below. Between working on my dissertation research, consulting projects, and this lovely little start up Hashtag Feminism, it’s fair to say I’m working hella hard this holiday season. Your donations are very much appreciated.

Each hashtag represents it’s own unique entry into conversations dealing with race, gender, sexuality, economic justice, global citizenship, and Ms. Yonce Carter. The infographic below is a visual representation of how the numbers tell these unique stories. The metrics are based on a 30-day sample set ranging from November 22, 2013 to December 22, 2013. Though the sample set does not fully represent exact totals of each hashtag, the sample is representative of the larger qualitative impact these hashtags had over the past year.

Don’t be afraid to click on the infographic, it’s interactive!

Sources: Topsy, Keyhole

Primary takeaways:

  • #TwitterFeminism has picked up steam over the past few days, but lags quantitatively in comparison to some of the other hashtags listed below.

  • #NotYourAsianSidekick is the fastest growing feminist hashtag to spread globally.

  • #fem2 continues to be the longest running, widely used, and consistently referenced feminist hashtag to date.

  • #femfuture has lost some traction over the past few months, but continues to remain popular among female [sic] users.

  • #BeyonceThinkPieces are especially loved by dudes (or at least that’s how Keyhole’s algorithm represents it).

  • #MyFeminismLooksLike is the most image-referenced feminist hashtag.

  • #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen not only sparked a national conversation but birthed a new generation of critical hashtags in 2013 that talked back to the status quo.

  • #FastTailedGirls is one of the fastest growing hashtags to date.

What do you think? Given the data and takeaways above, how do you think each hashtag represents the social, political, cultural, and spiritual climate of feminism in 2013? Were your favorite hashtag represented? Where were you when Suey Park (@suey_park) and Mikki Kendall (@Karynthia) tweeted out the first #NotYourAsianSidekick and #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomenhastag, respectively?

Now that we know tweets and hashtags have power, where do we go from here? Share your brilliance in the comments section below!

**Update. I’ve received an overwhelming response about this post and it’s only been up for a few hours. I sincerely appreciate the support. Please donate! I’ve also received responses from a few folks about how and when a particular hashtag was created. I want to acknowledge again that I used Topsy’s tracking to locate the first time each hashtag appeared on Twitter, assuming Topsy’s algorithms are correct. For instance #FastTailedGirls first appeared three years ago, but the term itself did not share the same meaning as it does currently, thanks to Mikki Kendall. Similarly, the hashtag #femfuture first appeared on Twitter four years ago when Shelby Knox tweeted out a request to highlight the work of young activists. Currently #femfuture represents, an online feminist venture from Vanessa Valenti and Courtney Martin. I wrote about the life story of #femfuture HERE. I want to acknowledge that I understand meaning and context give power to words. I also want people to be aware of the germinating processes involved in creating hashtags. As I tweeted earlier this morning:

Thanks for chiming in everyone! FYI – I’ve explored what it means to invent, create, give meaning to something and make impact previously.

— Tara L. Conley (@taralconley) December 23, 2013

I talk about webs here: I talk about impactfulness/whirlpooling here:

— Tara L. Conley (@taralconley) December 23, 2013

I acknowledge my methods/methodologies aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but they’re how I currently understand digital worlds+media ecologies.

— Tara L. Conley (@taralconley) December 23, 2013

It is not my intention to misrepresent the work of those who have in fact given meaning to these hashtags. If anything, I hope to celebrate all those involved this year who purposefully transformed the meaning of words through hashtags.

As such, I’ve amended the infographic to state “first appeared” instead of “creator”. I hope that clears things up.

What does it mean to create or give meaning to something? I hope to explore questions further via #hashtagfeminism #F

— Tara L. Conley (@taralconley) December 23, 2013

 Enjoyed reading my work? Awesome! Donate via the Paypal below and support my labor. Oh, and don’t forget to share this article on Facebook and Twitter!

Time spent producing article: 4 hours

I value my labor for producing this article at: $200 USD


#BlackFemMusic Trends Globally, Missy Elliott Retweets #F


A Hashtag Synonymous with Feminism #F: #noreallythisisbullshit