Racial Literacy Roundtable with Dr. Chance Lewis
I'm currently at a racial roundtable with Dr. Chance Lewis at Teachers College, Columbia University. He presented this illustration. I copied it down real quick in Google docs. Thought-provoking, no?
U.S. tax dollars will fund all three pipelines for students; college, work-force; prison/funeral; the question is, where do you want your tax dollars to go?
Click on the image to enlarge.
Thinking about pilot study, cert exam, and dissertation topic . . .
. . . and things seem to be a lot clearer than two weeks ago (professor Kinzer would be proud of me!). I'm currently re-reading professor AnaLouise Keating's piece "(De)Centering the Margins? Identity Politics and Tactical (Re)Naming" while thinking about the post I wrote last week on Melissa Harris-Perry and Joan Walsh, WHILE thinking about a possible pilot study that I may want to conduct based on the curriculum I helped design with Beyond The Bricks for young 'Black' men, WHILE thinking about the impending certification exam I'm going to take in February as part of the doctoral candidacy process, WHILE thinking that I may, in fact, be well on my way to deciding upon a dissertatation topic.
The topic, you ask? Something that has to do with the following (in connection, no particular order):
21st century media literacy curriculum design in non-traditional learning environments
Making visible outliers in 'race' and 'gender'-based studies/methodology
I am a threshold woman of color tactically (re)naming my place in this world. How boutchu?
< Shout out to Dr. Keating >
My cousin is brilliant
My cousin Tatiyana is only a freshman in high school but she's already showing her brilliance through art and photography. She's going to be one of the most sought after artists of her generation one day. Yes, I said it. I'm proud to say that she's my cuz.
See more of Tatiyana's photography at Media Make Change.
#youth #art #photography #culture