[Bibliography] Towards an Anti-Racist Pedagogy in Ed Tech education, race, technologytara l. conleyMay 22, 2015anti racist pedagogy, educational technology Comment
Notes on J. Lave and Situated Learning Communities dissertation, education, ethnography, notestara l. conleyNovember 28, 2012Comment
My NCA Statement on Feminism and Communications education, ethnography, gender, Internet, race, technology, youthtara l. conleyNovember 15, 2012conference, NCAComment
The Syllabus of My Dream Course education, ethnography, Internet, ONL-OFL Continuum, technologytara l. conleyMay 3, 2012ONL-OFL continuum, online-offline continuum, syllabusComment
Sandoval, Anzaldua, and DuBois: Recommended Works for My Columbia U. Kinfolk education, gender, racetara l. conleyFebruary 29, 2012chela sandoval, gloria anzaldua, WEB DuBoisComment