Why I'm obsessed with falling into a wormhole
"I still want to fall in a wormhole." - Me
[vimeo 19870165 w=500 h=281]
Thanks for being curious, dad.
I'm from a black dot on a white canvas searching for rainbows
This is a multimodal piece I produced for my class in Culture, Media, and Education. I like fusing media and genres (written/spoken poetry, painting, digital video). Suites me quite well. [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/20187343 w=398&h=224]
I am from long strokes of acrylic bent on canvas sky from blotches of black and blue mixed with white and reds I am from the taste of colors long forbidden Soul food, Black Foot, Irish-American.
I am from somewhere vague like shadows at noon from Negro seeds planted in the fields on hot southern days from an east coast milk truck named “Conley” for short. I am from somewhere whose love managed to give me life.
I am from hard fights and harder hugs from bedrooms of imagination filled with stories of magic carpets and gospel songs. I am from the house on 8th street where herbs grew in gardens instead of mangos.
I am from my mother’s eye Watching and waiting from her spirit longing to be free from the rainbow shirt that covered her belly with me inside.
I am from my father’s hands lost in the strokes of oily painted white mountains, from the heart he held to stop the attack, from hardened pale fingers I touched that were unfamiliar. From the shadow that moved curtains when it was over.
I am from an amalgamation of memories from a black dot on a white canvas searching for rainbows.
#culture #media #education #multimodality
I make videos about stories
This one is inspired by Ann Marie Fleming's illustrated memoir The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam. Fleming uncovers some of the mysteries surrounding her great-grandfather Long Tack Sam, a famous magician in the 20th century. She uncovers. I continue to search. [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/19870165 w=398&h=224]
#storytelling #mixedmedia #spaceelsewhere
My cousin is brilliant
My cousin Tatiyana is only a freshman in high school but she's already showing her brilliance through art and photography. She's going to be one of the most sought after artists of her generation one day. Yes, I said it. I'm proud to say that she's my cuz.
See more of Tatiyana's photography at Media Make Change.
#youth #art #photography #culture
I think I wanna be a digital artist
..and a digital ethnographer, and the innovator of another Internet called Inet, and a media mogul, and a digital humanitarian, and I still want to fall in a wormhole. Currently taking bets on how long it'll take for me to think of a dissertation topic. #Go
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/6939976 w=400&h=235]
High Line Record from Mark Edward Campos on Vimeo.
#art #data #digital #media