Why vine is a perfect medium for comedy art, film, media, mobile, storytellingtara l. conleyJanuary 21, 2014film theory, jump cut, vineComment
Aging in the Age of the Selfie #TheSelfieProject art, Internet, storytellingtara l. conleyNovember 19, 2013the selfie projectComment
Why I'm obsessed with falling into a wormhole art, imagination, storytellingtara l. conleyMay 25, 2012edwin abbot, george orwell, william gibson Comment
I'm from a black dot on a white canvas searching for rainbows art, education, imagination, storytellingtara l. conleyFebruary 20, 2011culture, education, jackson pollock, media, multimodality, videoComment
I make videos about stories art, education, imagination, storytellingtara l. conleyFebruary 12, 20111984, space elsewhere, storytelling, taralconleyComment