What To Say To Kids Resources (2022)


Thanks for visiting and participating in What To Say To Kids: A Guided Workshop for Adults in the Lives of Young People During Uncertain Times (whew, that’s mouthful!). Below are references from the presentation, along with resources, handouts, and activities. To access the PDF handouts and activities, please use the special code provided during the presentation.

WTSTK Newsletter Coming October 2022!

Good news! I’m launching a What To Say To Kids (WTSTK) newsletter in October that will include more research, tips, and suggestions to help adults support young people as they navigate their mediated lives. Sign up here:

WTSTK Resources

Media Tools

WTSTK Handouts and Activities

To access PDFs, click here and use the special code provided during the presentation.

  • Write a Personal Letter to a Young Person

  • Tips for Adults Supporting Kids Consuming Scary News

  • FAQs

  • Proactive Guide to Foster Connection, Support, and Critical Literacy


Below includes a list of research and reporting cited in the presentation.

Academic and Government Publications

News and Trade Publications


Research Talk Citations (2024)


Documenting Black Lives: Multimodal Approaches to 'Black Witnessing'