Internet, race tara l. conley Internet, race tara l. conley

My Summer Reading & Viewing List

All the stuff I'm currently (re)reading and viewing. Digitizing Race: Visual Cultures of the Internet (Lisa Nakamura, 2007)

The Souls of Black Folk (W.E.B. Du Bois, 1903)

Art on my Mind: Visual Politics (bell hooks, 1995)

"The Space of the Screen" from Into the Image: Culture and Politics in the Field of Vision (Kevin Robins, 1996)

"Introduction: Identity in the Age of the Internet" from Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet (Shirley Turkle, 1995)

"The Double Consciousness of Du Bois and the 'Mestiza Consciousness' of Anzaldua" (Theresa A. Martinez, 2002).

Borderlands La Frontera (Gloria Anzaldua, 1987)

"The Computer Race Meets Computer Classes: How Computers in Schools Helped Shape the Racial Topography of the Internet" in Race in Cyberspace (Jonathan Sterne, 2000)

Cybertypes: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on the Internet (Lisa Nakamura, 2002)

On Racial Frontiers: The New Culture of Frederick Douglass, Ralph Ellison, and Bob Marley (Gregory Stephens, 1999)

"Cornel West v. Barack Obama" (Melissa Harris-Perry, 2011)

"Will the Real Body Please Stand Up" (Allucquere Rosanne Stone, 1991)

Race and ethnicity stuff from Pew Internet

VIDEO: Dr. Cornel West & Prof. Melissa Harris-Perry on "The Ed Show"

The Matrix series

Wired cover circa 2004

Generation D (for digital) commercial from Worldcom


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