My Dissertation Bibliography


Two little girls in a park near Union Station, Washington, D.C.  (LOC) My dissertation work constitutes a mixed-method study that explores the networked lives of teens and young adults who are characterized as disconnected, vulnerable, or in-transition. I unpack the concept of disconnection, in particular, and explore with young people what it means for them to be connected, mobile, and supported, and how they communicate the experience of connection, mobility, and support through various physical and virtual constructs of place.

The following bibliography is alive and constantly expanding:


Anzaldúa, G. E. and Keating, A. (eds). (2002) this bridge we call home: radical visions for transformation. New York: Routledge.

Anzaldúa, G. E. (1987). Borderlands la frontera: The new mestiza. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books.

Altheide, D.L. (1996). Qualitative media analysis. Sage Publications.

American Public Transportation Association (2014). Millennials and mobility: Understanding the millennial mindset. Report.

Bambina, A. (2007). Online social support: The interplay of social networks and computer-mediated communication. New York: Cambria Press.

Banks, D. (2014, Jan 31). #Review Actor-Network Theory’s approach to agency. Retrieved from

Banks, D. (2011, Dec. 2). A brief summary of Actor Network Theory. Retrieved from

Baumgartner, J., & Buchanan, T. (2010). ‘‘I have HUGE stereotypes’’: Using eco-maps to understand children and families. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 31(2), 173–184.

Baumgartner, J., Burnett, L., DiCarlo, C. F., and Buchanan, T. (2012). An inquiry of children’s social support networks using eco-maps. Child Youth Care Forum, 41, 357-369.

Berkman, L. F., and Breslow, L. (1983). Health and ways of living: The Alameda county study. New York: Oxford University Press.

Bernard, H. R. (1994). Research methods in anthropology: qualitative and quantitative approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Besharov, D.J. (1999). America’s disconnected youth: Toward a preventative strategy. Washington, D.C.: Child Welfare League of America.

Bødker, S. and Grønbæk, K. (1991). Cooperative prototyping: Users and designers in mutual activity. International Journal of Man/Machine Studies. 34 (3), 453-478.

Bork, R. H. (2012). From at-risk to disconnected: Federal youth policy from 1973-2008 (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing. (3505118)

Borgatti and Lopez-Kidwell (2011). Network theory. In The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis, Scott, J. and Carrington, P.J. (Eds), pp. 40-54. London: Sage.

boyd, d. (2014). It’s complicated: The social lives of networked teens. Connecticut: Yale University Press.

boyd, d. (2011). "Networked Privacy." Personal Democracy Forum. New York, NY, June 6.

boyd, d. (2012). “White flight in networked publics? How race and class shaped American teen engagement with Myspace and Facebook” in Race After the Internet, Nakamura, L. and Chow-White, P. (Eds), pp. 203-222. New York: Routledge.

boyd, d. (2008). Why youth <3 social network sites: The role of networked publics in teenage social life. In D. Buckingham (Ed.), Youth, identity, and digital media (pp. 119–142). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

boyd, d. m., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1). Retrieved November 24, 2009, from

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). Contexts of child rearing: Problems and prospects. American Psychologist, 34, 844–850.

Burnett, L. (2008). Measuring children’s social support networks: Eco-mapping protocol. (master’s thesis). Retrieved from Louisiana State University Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Collection.

Business Innovation Factory (2013). If I could make a school. A student-driven participatory design studio to re-imagine education. Report.

Cairns, R., Leung, M., Buchanan, L., & Cairns, B. (1995). Friendships and social networks in childhood and adolescence: Fluidity, reliability, and interrelations. Child Development, 66, 1330-1345.

Caplan, G. (1974). Support systems and community mental health. In Support systems, G. Caplan (ed.), 1-40. New York: Behavioral Publications.

Cassel, J. (1976). The contributions of the social environment to host resitance/ American Journal of Epidemiology, 104, 107-122.

Castells, M. (1996). The space of flows. In The Rise of the Network Society (pp. 407-460) Oxford: Wiley.

Castells, M. (1999). The social implications of Information and Communication Technologies. In The world social science report (236-245). Paris: UNESCO.

Chaiken, J., Dosa, S., Dungan, S., and Silberstein, S. (Producers), & Kornbluth, J. (Director). (2013). Inequality for all [Motion picture]. United States: 72 Productions.

Chetty, R., Hendren, N., Kline, P., Saez, E. (2014). Where is the land of opportunity? The geography of intergenerational mobility in the United States. Report. Retrieved from

Chua, V., Madej, J. and Wellman, B. (2011). Personal communities: The world according to me. In The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis, Scott, J. and Carrington, P.J. (Eds), pp. 101-115. London: Sage.

Chun, W. H. K. (2012). “Race and/as technology or how to do things to race” in Race After the Internet, Nakamura, L. and Chow-White, P. (Eds), pp. 38-60. New York: Routledge.

Cobb, S. (1976). Social Support as a Moderator of Life Stress. Psychosomatic Medicine, 38, 300-314.

Conley, T. L. (2013, December 16). Tracing the impact of online activism in the Renisha McBride case. [Web Log Post]. Retrieved from

Conley, T.L. (2007, November). Virtual volunteers: Hurricane Katrina’s impact and women’s resolve. [Web Log Post]. Retrieved from

Cortesi, S., Haduong, P., & Gasser, U. (2013). Youth news perceptions and behaviors online: how youth access and share information in a Chicago community affected by gang violence. Berkman Center for Internet & Society. Retrieved January, 25, 2014 from

Csikszentmihalyi, M. 1993. “Why We Need Things.” In History from Things (edited by S. Lubar & W.D. Kingery), Smithsonian Institution Press.

Digital Harlem (2010). Everyday life 1915-130. Retrieved from

Dinerstein, J. (2006). Technology and its discontents: On the verge of the posthuman. American Quarterly, 58(3), 569-595.

Disconnect. (2014). Disconnect. Retrieved from (2010). Dream Act portal. Retrieved from

Duggan, M. and Smith, A. (2014). Social media update 2013. Available at:

Erickson, B. (2004). The distribution of gendered social capital in Canada. In Henk Flap and Beate Volker (Eds.), Creation and Returns of Social Capital. New York: Routledge, pp. 27-50.

Fouché, R. (2012). “From black inventors to one laptop per child: Exploring a racial politics of technology” in Race After the Internet, Nakamura, L. and Chow-White, P. (Eds), pp. 61-83. New York: Routledge.

Fu, Y. C. (2008). Position generator and actual networks in everyday life: An evaluation with contact diary. In Nan Lin and Bonnie H. Erickson (Eds.), Social Capital: An International Research Program. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 49-64.

Fu, Y.C. (2007). "Contact Diaries: Building Archives of Actual and Comprehensive Personal Networks". Field Methods, 19, pp. 194-217.

Fu,Y., 2004. Network closure and expressive returns on time investment in social interactions: Evidence from 52 contact diaries. Paper presented at the International Conference on Social Capital: Communities, Classes, Organizations, and Social Networks, Taichung, Taiwan, December 13–14.

Fernandes-Alcantara, A.L. (2012a). Vulnerable youth: Background and policies. Congressional Research Service. Report.

Fernandes-Alcantara, A.L. (2012b). Youth and the labor force: Background and trends. Congressional Research Service. Report.

Fernandes, A.L. and Gabe, T. (2009). Disconnected youth: A look at 16- to 24-year olds who are not working or in school. Congressional Research Service. Report.

Floyd, Christiane (1984) A systematic look at prototyping, In R. Budde (ed.), Approaches to prototyping, Proceedings of the Working Conference on Prototyping. Berlin: Springer, 1-18.

Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York, NY: The Continuum International Publishing Group, Inc.

Gray, M. (2009). Out in the country: Youth, media, and queer visibility in rural America. New York: New York University Press.

Greenhow, C., & Robelia, B. (2009). Informal learning and identity formation in online social networks. Learning, Media and Technology, 34(2), 119–140. Gruber, D. (Ed.). Introduction in social network analysis: Theoretical approaches and empirical analysis with computer-assisted programmes [PowerPoint document]. Retrieved from Academia Online Web site:

Guggenheim, M. (2013). The long history of prototypes. Retreived from

Haraway, D. (1991). “A cyborg manifesto: Science, technology, and socialist-feminism in the late twentieth century," in Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, pp. 149-181. New York: Routledge.

Harvey, D. (1996). Social justice and the geography of difference. London: Blackwell.

Horst, H. (2011). Free, social and inclusive: Appropriation of new media technologies in Brazil. International Journal of Communication, 5, 437-462.

Irish, L. (2014, May 12). Summit calls for getting ‘disconnected youth’ back to school. AZ Ed News. Retreived from

Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. New York. New York University Press.

Jenkins, H. (2009). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century

Keating, A. (Ed). (2005). EntreMundos/among worlds: New perspectives on Gloria Anzaldúa. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Keenan, E. K. and Miehls, D. (2008). Third space activities and change processes: An exploration of ideas from social and psychodynamic theories.” Clinic Social Work Journal. 36, 165-175.

Kim, S.D. (2002). “Korea: Personal meanings.” In J.E. Katz and M. Aakhus (Eds.), Perpetual contact: Mobile communication, private talk, public performance (pp. 63-79). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Krempel, L. (2011). Network visualization. In The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis, Scott, J. and Carrington, P.J. (Eds), pp. 558-577. London: Sage.

Kress, G. (2003). Literacy in the new media age. New York, NY: Routledge.

Kress, G. and Van Leeuwen, T. (2001). Multimodal discourse: The modes and media of contemporary communication. Hodder Arnold Oublication.

Latour, B. (2014). Agency at the time of the anthropocene. New Literary History, 45(1), 1-18.

Latour, B. (2005). Resembling the social: An introduction to Actor-Network-Theory. Oxford Press.

Latour, B. (1993). We have never been modern. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Latour, B., Woolgar, S., and Salk, J. (1986). Laboratory life: The construction of scientific facts. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Law, J. (2007). Actor Network Theory and material semiotics. Retrieved from

Leander, P., Phillips, C., & Taylor, K.H. (2010). The changing social spaces of learning: Mapping new mobilities. Review of Research in Education, 34, 329-394.

Leander, K. & Vasudevan, L. (2009). Multimodality and mobile culture. In C. Jewitt (Ed.) Handbook of multimodal analysis. (pp. 127-139). London: Routledge.

LeCompte, M.D. and Preissle, J. (1993). Ethnography and qualitative design in educational research. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

LeCompte, M. D. and Schensul, J. J. (1999). Designing & conducting ethnographic research. Walnut Creek, Calif.: AltaMira Press.

Lesko, N (2012). Act your age: A cultural construction of adolescence. London: Routledge.

Lefebvre, H. (1991). The production of space (D. Nicholson-Smith, Trans.). Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

Leone, P. & Weinberg, L. (2010). Addressing the unmet educational needs of children and youth in the juvenile justice and child welfare systems. Center for Juvenile Justice Reform. Georgetown University. Report.

Lerner, J., Lubbers, J.M., Molina, J.L. and Brandes, U. (2014). Social capital companion: Capturing personal networks as they are lived. Grafo. 3,18-37.

Lim, S., Chan, Y., Vadrevu, S., Basnyat, I. (2012a). Managing peer relationships online: Investigating the use of Facebook by juvenile delinquents and youths-at-risk. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 8-15.

Lim, S., Vadrevu, S. Hian, Y., Basnyat, I. (2012b). Facework on Facebook: The online publicness of juvenile delinquents and youths-at-risk. Journal of  of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 56(3), 346-361.

Lin, N. and Erickson, B. (2008). Theory, measurement, and the research enterprise on social capital. In Nan Lin and Bonnie H. Erickson (Eds.), Social Capital: An International Research Program. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-24.

Lindström, L. (2012). Youth, participation, leisure and citizenship. The Open Social Science Journal, 5, 1-14.

MaCurdy, T., Keating, B., Navagarapu, S.S. (2006). Profiling the plight of disconnected youth in America. Report.

Manes, Claire [intensetweeting]. 2014, April 10). @classynogin @MHarrisPerry @hashtagfeminism Brought us together, felt less alone. It would be prejudicial if SM influenced court cases! [Tweet]. Retrieved from

Mastin, Metzger, Golden (2013). Foster care and disconnected youth.

McCormick, K., Stricklin, S., Nowak, T., & Rous, B. (2005). Using eco-mapping as a research tool. National Early Childhood Transition Center.

McDermott, R. and Varenne, H. (1995). Culture “as” disability. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 26(3), 324-348.

Marin and Wellman (2011). Social network analysis: An introduction. In The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis, Scott, J. and Carrington, P.J. (Eds), pp. 11-25. London: Sage.

MDRC (2014). Building knowledge to improve social policy. Date accessed April 29, 2014.

Measure of America, (2012). One in seven: Ranking youth disconnection in the 25 largest metro areas. Report.

Mitchell, J.C. (1969). Social networks in urban situations: Analyses of personal relationships in central Africa. Manchester University Press.

Mizuko, I., Baumer, S., Bittanti, boyd, d., M., Cody, R., Herr, B., Horst, H. A., Lange, P. G., Mahendran, D.,  Martinez, K., Pascoe, C. J., Perkel, D., Robinson, L.,  C. Sims, C., and Tripp, L. (2008). hanging out, messing around, geeking out: Living and Learning with New Media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Mulcahy, D. (2012). Affective assemblages: body matters in the pedagogic practices of contemporary school classrooms. Pedagogy, Culture & Society 20(1), 9-27.

Osgood, W. D., Foster, M. E., & Courtney, M. E. (2010). Vulnerable populations and the transition to adulthood. The Future of Children, 20(1), 209-229.

Osgood, W. D., Foster, M. E., Flanagan, C., & Ruth, G. R. (Eds.). (2007). On your own without a net: The transition to adulthood for vulnerable populations. Chicago, IL: University Of Chicago Press.

Pateman, C. (1970). Participation and democratic theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Peterson, S.B. (2010). Examining the referral stage for mentoring high-risk youth in six different juvenile justice settings. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Report.

Pew Research (2010). Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to change. Report. Retrieved from

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Pica-Smith, C. and Veloria, C. (2012). “At risk means a minority kid:” Deconstructing deficit discourses in the study of risk in education and human services. Pedagogy and the Human Sciences, 2(1), pp. 33-48.

Potts, L. (2014). Social media in disaster response. How experience architects can build for participation. New York: Routledge.

Powell, K. (2010). Making sense of place: Mapping as a multisensory research method, 16(7), 539-555.

Puar, J (2011). ‘I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess’: Intersectionality, assemblage, and affective politics. European Institute for Progressive Cultural Politics. Retrieved from

Quinlan, A. (2012). Imagining a feminist Actor-Network Theory. International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation, 4(2), 1-9.

Ray, R. A., & Street, A. F. (2005). Eco-mapping: an innovative research tool for nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 50(5), 545-552.

Reid, S.A. (2013). Institutional friendship: Exploring the egocentric networks of incarcerated youth. Dissertation.

Restivo, S. (2010). Bruno Latour: The once and future philosopher. In The New Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists. Ritzer, G. and Stepinsky, J. (Eds.), 1-39. Boston: Blackwell.

Ringrose, J. 2011. Beyond discourse? Using Deleuze and Guattari’s schizoanalysis to explore affective assemblages, heterosexually striated space, and lines of flight online and at school. Education Philosophy and Theory 46: 598–618.

Roberts, S. (2011). Beyond ‘NNET’ and ‘tidy’ pathways: considering the ‘missing middle’ of youth transition studies. Journal of Youth Studies, 14(1), 21-39.

Robertson, S. (2009). Fuller Long: A teenager’s life in Harlem [Web blog post]. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from

Robertson, S., White, S., and Garton, S., (2013). Harlem in black and white: Mapping Race and place in the 1920s. Journal of Urban History, 39(5), pp. 864-880.

Robertson, S., White, S., and Garton, S., and White, G. (2010). This Harlem life: Black families and everyday life in the 1920s and 1930s. Journal of Social History. 44(1), pp. 97-122.

Rousseau, J.J. (1968). The social contract. Penguin Books.

Russell, A., Ito, M., Richmond, T., and Tuters, M. (2008). Culture: Media convergence and networked participation. In Networked Publics, K. Varnelis (Ed), pp. 43-76. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Sayes, E. (2014). Actor-Network Theory and methodology: Just what does it mean to say that nonhumans have agency? Social Studies of Science, 44(1), 134-149.

Schaffer, S. (1991). From the sacred to the sacred object: Girard, Serres, and Latour on the ordering of the human collective. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 16(2), 105-122.

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Söderström, S. (2009). Offline social ties and online use of computers: A study of disabled youth and their use of ICT advances. New Media & Society, 11(5), 709-727.

Song, L., Son, J., Nin, L. (2011) Social support. In The Sage Handbook of Social Network Analysis, Scott, J. and Carrington, P.J. (Eds), pp. 116-128. London: Sage.

Stald, G. (2008). Mobile identity: Youth, identity, and mobile communication media. In D. Buckingham (Ed.), Youth, Identity, and Digital Media (pp. 143-164). The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. doi: 10.1162/dmal.9780262524834.143.

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van der Gaag, M. Snijders, T.A.B., and Flap, H. (2008). Position generator measures and their relationship to other social capital measures. In Nan Lin and Bonnie H. Erickson (Eds.), Social Capital: An International Research Program. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 27-48.

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Visweswaran, K. (1994). Defining feminist ethnography. In K. Visweswaran (Ed.), Fictions of Feminist Ethnography (pp. 17-39). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

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Watt, P., & Stenson, K. (1998). The street: “It’s a bit dodgy around here”: Safety, danger, ethnicity and young people’s use of public space. In T. Skelton & G. Valentine (Eds.), Cool places: Geographies of youth cultures (pp. 249–265). London: Routledge.

Wenger, Etienne. 1998. Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge, UK, and New York: Cambridge University Press.

Williams, P. (2005). What is social support?: A grounded theory of social interaction in the context of the new family. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Citation Online.