I'm Currently Reading These Books

Happy New Year. Aside from re-reading articles on the social, cultural, cognitive, and communicative/technology aspects of education as I study for the doctoral certification exam later this month, I'm also reading the following books below. Robbie McClintock's Enough: A Pedagogic Speculation is proving to be one of my favs of all time. I highly recommend this book, (officially released this month) for anyone wanting a reflective and historical approach to understanding education and culture. Set in the year 2162, McClintock, a former TC-Columbia University professor of Education, presents a half-memoir, half-futuristic speculation of the past (which is present-day) by weaving together various fictive voices. The structure of the book is unique as it's loaded with a plethora of historical references, citations, and a glossary of key concepts. Most notable about this book, however, is the footnote section, which tells its own story throughout. The reader is forced to follow the author's "radical" reflections across time and space as it concerns questioning the difference between education and the practice of schooling. This book should be required reading for educators, policy makers, and anyone else who gives a damn about this cultural moment.

Disaster Culture by Gregory Button

The Analyst by John Katzenbach

Understanding Popular Culture by John Fiske


Sandoval, Anzaldua, and DuBois: Recommended Works for My Columbia U. Kinfolk


Should I 'Live Write' My Dissertation?