Youth Uses Online Animation Platform to Tell Story

DAVIE, FL. -  Thirteen-year-old Anthony Conley is one of many digitally connected youth using free web-based multi-platform programs, like Pivot, to tell stories through animation. Online consumer-based animation programs are on the rise for youth populations, a demographic group of which 93% use the Internet (91% boys; 87% 'Black'). Pivot is relatively easy to install and use on PC operating systems (Stykz is its sister program for Macintosh operating systems). Pivot and Stykz may have positive implications for educators who are thinking about engaging ways to incorporate basic animation and design methods into the classroom. Media Make Change has made Pivot and Stykz part of the Beyond the Bricks curriculum in order to broaden the ways in which community producers can create and tell stories using digital media. Check out the interview below as Anthony talks about using Pivot.

In your own words, what is Pivot?

Pivot is an animation program that expresses who you are, like for me, if you're someone who likes Dragon Ball Z [an Japanese animated manga series].

Why do you use Pivot?

I have a very creative mind so Pivot allows me to convert my creative ideas into an animation.

What are your favorite objects or stories to create using Pivot?

Well, I usually create my own versions of Naruto and Dragon ball Z, but anything goes with me.

How does Pivot help you illustrate & tell a story?

Each scene brings new ideas. A scene could start off with a guy drinking coffee and then he might end up seeing something going on outside his window. [Pivot] brings a wide range of ideas into play.

Would you recommend Pivot to anyone?

Yes and no. I say no because it takes time and effort. You can get frustrated easily because the animation doesn't come out the way you think it should.

Do you plan on doing anything with animation or graphic design in college or as a career?

Maybe, I'm really good at it!

What other animation software do you create with?

I'm starting to use flash animation, but the rest are too complicated.

Do you create using other software technology besides animation? If so, can you list and describe them?

I use this program called Google SketchUp. It's like making a blue print for something you want to build. It's self-explanatory really. Lol.

Here's an advanced video example of Pivot animation:

Special thanks to Anthony Conley for being interviewed for this article.