Hashtag Feminism Archive Tara Conley Hashtag Feminism Archive Tara Conley

From #BaltimoreRiots to #BaltimoreUprising

This post originally appeared on June 24, 2015 written by Jasmine Crenshaw. This was Jasmine’s first post for Hashtag Feminism. It was written two months after Freddie Gray’s death, which led to Baltimore protests against police brutality.

This post originally appeared on June 24, 2015 written by Jasmine Crenshaw. This was Jasmine’s first post for Hashtag Feminism. It was written two months after Freddie Gray’s death, which led to Baltimore protests against police brutality.

We are taking a look at the evolution of the hashtags surrounding Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray on April 12, 2015. What began with #FreddieGray led to #BaltimoreRiots, then #BaltimoreUprising and #BlackSpring, #BreakTheCurfew and #BaltimoreLunch. These hashtags connected protesters, showed the selective enforcement of the #BaltimoreCurfew, helped to organize lunches for students when school was cancelled, and likely contributed to the swift indictment of the six officers involved in Freddie Gray’s death and the Justice Department’s investigation into the Baltimore Police Department.

#BaltimoreUprising captures the essence of what has been taking place in Baltimore: a community attempting to take back its ownership and speaking truth to power. 

#BaltimoreUprising, a true feminist tag, challenges the status quo and demands justice. It demands an end to police brutality and creates a unified voice for citizens of West Baltimore. It challenges the normalized media narratives about Black communities under distress. In real time, citizens have been able to use the hashtag to document what is occurring not only during the protest, but general life in a city that has been long neglected.

Follow along with us to see the evolution and the uprising:

White folks tend to view their riots as "Revolutions" but consider black folks rioting as criminal acts. #WhitePeopleRiotToo #BaltimoreRiots

— Terrell J. Starr (@Russian_Starr) April 27, 2015

The baltimore issues……. #BaltimoreCurfew pic.twitter.com/MYzKi0VTyP

— Nighthawk (@chuka_uzo) April 29, 2015

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake called for a 10:00 PM-5:00 AM curfew and Baltimore City schools closed on Tuesday, April 28. The Baltimore Public City School District reported that 84 percent of its students rely on meals from schools to make it through the day. Operation Help or Hush, an organization that originated out of the #Ferguson movement, set up the #BaltimoreLunch hashtag to help Baltimore students get the meals they needed.

The #BaltimoreLunch hashtag has your answers for #freebreakfast and #freelunch all around the city. Please check the hashtag!

— Charles Wade (@akacharleswade) April 28, 2015

85,000 kids not in school today, 84% of which rely on free lunches. Help @ophelporhushprovide #BaltimoreLunch today http://t.co/lOv66gUoFJ

— Carolyn Williams (@carolyn_will) April 28, 2015

Social media users, including Deray McKesson, who traveled from #Ferguson to his hometown of Baltimore to protest, found using the hashtag #BaltimoreRiots unrepresentative of the positive movement to organize a community and call for justice. #BaltimoreUprising gained traction due to this community wanting to control their own narrative of the events that have occurred after Freddie Gray’s death. Protesters in other states held rallies to stand in solidarity with Baltimore and organized under the #BaltimoreUprising and #BlackLivesMatter tags.

By Friday, May 1, the protests continued and Baltimore City’s State Attorney Marilyn Mosby brought charges to all six officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray. This finally looked like a small victory, though protesters and those following along on Twitter recognized this was the only beginning.

The state of emergency and the curfew were both lifted after tweets under the #BaltimoreUprising and #BreaktheCurfew tags showed the disparity of enforcement between white and black citizens of Baltimore. A video of a police officer asking white protesters to leave the protest area peacefully made the media rounds, as did a photo a black protester who was pepper sprayed, forced to the ground, and arrested after ignoring the curfew. White privilege was on full display in Baltimore: white protesters and citizens were left alone while black citizens and protesters were heavily monitored and policed.

THE CURFEW HAS BEEN LIFTED!! #BaltimoreUprising #BlackLivesMatter #BaltimoreCurfewhttps://t.co/Krene0uqG0

— #NotInMyName (@femforchange) May 3, 2015

The curfew ended. Protest works. #BaltimoreUprising

— Brienne of Snarth (@femme_esq) May 3, 2015

See more.

Following the protests and a week of national media attention, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced a Department of Justice investigation of the Baltimore Police Department for possible misdeeds and troubles that has plagued their serving population. People also used #BaltimoreUprising and #BlackSpring to praise AG Lynch for designating black lives as a viable priority for her office, rather than leverage for political gains or public popularity.

From Freddie Gray’s death to the launch of the DOJ investigation of the BPD, three prominent black women, Mayor Rawlings-Blake, State Attorney Mosby, and Attorney General Lynch, have emerged as the political faces of progress for Baltimore; examining and repairing the relationship between the police and citizens of Baltimore; and the search for #JusticeforFreddieGray. Though Mayor Rawlings-Blake faced many critiques on social media due to her actions in both initiating the curfew and calling her constituents “thugs” on national television, she was able to respond to protests and social media calls, ended the curfew and called for the civil rights investigation.

These hashtags have allowed us to track not only what is happening on the ground in Baltimore, but how elected and appointed officials are responding in real time. We have a record now of what Loretta Lynch stood for just days after being confirmed as the first Black female Attorney General of the United States. The same is true of the youngest State Attorney in the entire country, Marilyn Mosby. We are seeing capable and brilliant black women in political and legislative power like never before, and this could equal as positive representation for black women and girls who could see themselves in Lynch’s, Rawlings-Blake’s, and Mosby’s positions one day.

When we look back on #BaltimoreUprising, we will not just see a community fighting for justice, but of black women in positions of legal and political power being held accountable and holding others accountable for the positive change being demanded on the streets and echoing through hundreds of thousands of tweets.

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Hashtag Feminism Archive Tara Conley Hashtag Feminism Archive Tara Conley

Hashtag Activism: The Politics of Our Generation

This post originally appeared on December 2, 2014 written by Kelly Ehrenreich.

This post originally appeared on December 2, 2014 written by Kelly Ehrenreich.

November was a tumultuous time for feminism. 

The results of last month’s midterm elections gave way to a Republican majority in Congress for the first time since 2008. A week later, TIME published a piece suggesting that the word “feminist” be banned for the year based on its overuse namely by celebrities who dare to support gender equality in public.

Roxane Gay, author of Bad Feminist, pointed out the bitter irony in the juxtaposition of these two events:

For the most part, though, the past twelve months have been a banner year for feminism in media. Take for instance  #YesAllWomen#YouOKSis and #GamerGate, all of which trended and garnered national media recognition. Then, there’s Beyoncé who stood firmly on the Video Music Awards stage with the word FEMINIST emblazoned on a screen behind her. Take also men like Aziz Ansari who announced to the world that men too can and should be feminists.

Aziz Ansari talks about being a feminist, & a child of immigrants by @feministabuloushttp://t.co/hKLlyO5EIf

— la tula cuecho (@LissetteMiller) October 8, 2014

Though the word “feminism” has managed to permeate mainstream discourse, despite TIME magazine’s critique, we’ve yet to achieve anywhere near gender or racial equity in society writ large.

The fundamental principles of feminism; that all humans are equal and should be treated as such regardless of gender, race or class, is no more feasible politically now than from a year ago.

How can we reconcile feminism’s popularity of the past year with the principles of feminism that we carry out in our everyday lives?

Despite the fact that many are talking about feminism and declaring gender and racial equality and justice an important value, voting demographics this past election season don’t seem reflect these views.  

Addressing the Disconnect

Critics of the millennial generation and those skeptical of social media as tools for organizing may consider this year’s voter turnout demographics as proof that hashtag activism doesn’t really matter. There has been no shortage of think pieces discussing popular hashtag trends and social movements posing the same question over again: “Does hashtag activism really make a difference?”

It’s a fair question. While #NotMyBossBusiness and #HobbyLobby swept across Twitter just a few months ago, politicians who voted against women’s health like Mitch McConnell and Pat Roberts were re-elected in the midterms. Wendy Davis’ filibuster in pink tennis shoes was all the rage on Twitter last year. #StandWithWendy trended globally, yet on November 4th she lost handily to Greg Abbott and captured a meager 32% the white women vote.

#Ferguson has been a major trend this year ever since 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by a police officer on August 9th. When the Missouri grand jury announced late last month a decision not to indict Mike Brown’s killer, #FergusonDecision, #BlackLivesMatter, and#HandsUpWalkOut trended and sparked massive offline action.

Even now Americans are protesting in the streets outside of St. Louis and across the country mourning Michael Brown’s death and demanding that their voices be heard and seen. These protest, largely organized online and by young people remind the world of this country’s painful history of violence against black and brown people.

How is that we have mass protests around the country, where people from all walks of life demand equality, equity, and justice, yet there are still those who march to the polls, casting votes for politicians to repeal the Affordable Care Act, limit Medicare and Medicaid, give tax cuts to wealthy, and silence those most marginalized?

A New Kind of Activism

Let me state the obvious: tweets ≠ votes. But does that mean hashtag feminism  or any kind social activism online doesn’t matter?

Of course not.

As @deray notes in this CNN piece on the power of #Ferguson, hashtags are a community, they are where we gather to share our experiences and hear stories we could not get anywhere else, whether it be in our own communities or from a cable news outlet. The Guardian calls hashtags a “rallying cry of a new generation’s quest for racial justice”.

There is no greater evidence of this rallying cry than what we have seen emerge along the #Ferguson and #YouOKSis tags. Both tags have been led and purveyed by feminists, particularly women of color, that have magnified stories and garnered the kind of attention mainstream media often ignores.

If media critics are still looking for hard evidence that social media activism matters but aren’t yet convinced by the sheer number of tweets this year, take a look at From #RenishaMcBride to #RememberRenisha.

Though hashtag activism looks different than other political and social movements of the past, this new(er) form of activism still faces similar challenges as previous generational movements. At times, activism can be a slow-moving, incremental process. There are always small victories. A surge of opposition doesn’t mean total defeat; it means there’s more work to be done.

Unlike movements before, hashtag activism doesn’t necessarily use the language of politics. It may not always use the language of revolution, resistance, rebellion either. More often than not, however, the power of hashtag feminism and hashtag activism lies in it’s real-time telling of intimate stories and ironic truths.

Hashtags have the power to locate the particulars of human experience. Though not always correlative in terms of congressional seats, hashtag activism locates where our stories are told overtime in 140-characters and measured by acts of empathy and resistance that follow. Our conversations, revelations, relationships, growth, and enlightenments: None of these should be discounted or discouraged.

What Comes Next

Despite those who argue that this generation of social activists are nothing more than social media users with strong opinions, one only need to look at feminist Twitter, where women and men go to bat for marginalized people and communities everyday, on and offline. Caring isn’t the problem, and neither is this new(er) form of activism.

"A system cannot fail those it was never meant to protect." W.E.B. Du Bois #Ferguson

— Elizabeth Plank (@feministabulous) November 25, 2014

this is why voting matters. voter registration is how they fill jury pools, including grand jury pools. serving jury duty is important.

— Fatniss Evaaahdeen (@meadowgirl) November 25, 2014

The Future of Politics and Hashtag Activism

Though this year was a setback in many ways for progressives and feminist political ideals, there have been some steps forward. Alma Adams became the 100th woman of the 113th Congress, marking the largest number of women to serve in Congress simultaneously.

A few things to consider for the future of hashtag feminism and its potential impact on the political landscape:

  1. Tweeting about something does not necessarily bring about political change.

  2. Hashtag feminism may preach to the choir, but we still have to take our choirs offline and out into the community.

  3. Representation in the media is key and hashtags, in many ways, disrupt mainstream media narratives about marginalized communities and unjust legislation.

  4. Online communication by way of hashtags can help birth a new generation of understanding, empathy, and acceptance.

What do you think? What does #F mean in relationship to politics to you? How does or should one affect the other? Can hashtag activism change the political system? If so, can it do so fast enough? Will a political revolution ever and ultimately be attributed to a hashtag? Has #Ferguson and #BlackLivesMatter already proven the power of a hashtag to blend online and offline activism?

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