[INFOGRAPHIC] Top Feminist Hashtags of 2014
This post originally appeared on December 10, 2014 written by Tara L. Conley.
This post originally appeared on December 10, 2014 written by Tara L. Conley.
This year’s top feminist hashtags would not be complete without a visual. See how each hashtag came about this year, and how others covered the story. Compare this year’s top tags to last year’s Top Feminist Hashtags of 2013. Let us know what you think!
2014 Top Feminist Hashtags – Honorable Mentions
#bellhooksTNS first appeared on Twitter on October 23, 2013 when Twitter user @lolaschild tweeted the tag linking to bell hooks artist in residence series at The New School. The New School has since purveyed the tag on Twitter to promote hooks’ talks.
#Fem2 remains the longest running, widely used, and consistently referenced feminist hashtag to date. #Fem2 was created during an exchanged between Liz Sabator (@blogdiva), Victoria Pynchon (@VickiePynchon), and Stowe Boyd (@stoweboyd), and first appeared on December 15, 2008. Niambi Jarvis (@hiyaahpower) is the most widely recognized purveyor of the hashtag.
#GirlsLikeUs first appeared on Twitter on September 2, 2009 when user @mieke_veedeo tweeted a link to Glu Magazine. The hashtag has since been used to promote Rachel Lloyd’s book, Girls Like Us. Most recently, writer and contributing editor of Marie Claire, Janet Mock used the hashtag to create a campaign to empower trans women of color.
#IStandWithJamilah and #IStandWithAura first appeared on Twitter on March 27, 2014 and September 14, 2014, respectfully, in support of EBONY.com’s senior editor, Jamilah Lemieux and Colorlines’ News Editor, Aura Bogado after both writers were singled out online for speaking out against racism.
#IStandWithJamilah because "racism" against white people isn't racism, it's a logical reaction to the oppression of people of color.
— Maladapted (@Malatestamony) March 27, 2014
@aurabogado is the best. @FCKH8 is the worst. #IStandWithAura
— @Pissdrinker (@OTSWST) September 15, 2014
#MarrisaAlexander and #FreeMarrisa first appeared on Twitter on May 3, 2012 and July 18, 2013, respectively, in response to the Stand Your Ground ruling that initially sentence a Black women, Marrisa Alexander to 20 years in prison for discharging a weapon in the presence of her estranged husband and children. As of November 24, 2014 Alexander accepted a plea deal to serve three years in jail.
Disclaimer: We do our best with limited capacity to ensure that tweets are fairly represented. If you feel as though you or your tweets have been misrepresented and wished to be removed from this year’s curation, please do not hesitate to contact us at inquiries [at] hashtagfeminism [dot] com.
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