[BIBLIOGRAPHY] Walk about school

Welcome EQRC and Forum 16!

Below you'll find the bibliography for my research on Walk about school: a case study analyzing the walking interview using multimodal techniques. Link to PPT presentation coming soon.

  1. Anderson, J. (2004). Talking whilst walking: A geographical archaeology of knowledge. Area, 36(3), 254-261.
  2. Carpiano, R.M. (2009). Come take a walk with me: The “Go-Along” interview as a novel method for studying the implications of place for health and well-being. Health and Place, 15, 263-272.
  3. Garcia, C.M., Eisenberg, M.S. Frerich, E.A., Lechner, K. E., and Lust, K. (2012). Conducting go-along interviews to understand context and promote health. Qualitative Health Research, 22(10), 1395-1403.
  4. Hall, T. (2009). Footwork: moving and knowing in local space(s). Qualitative Research, 9(5), 551-585.
  5. Kress G.R. (1997) Before Writing: Rethinking the Paths to Literacy. London: Routledge.
  6. Kress, G.R. (2011). ‘Partnership in research’: multimodality and ethnography. Qualitative Research, 11(3), 239-260.
  7. Marwick, A. (2012). The public domain: Social surveillance in everyday life. Surveillance and Society, 9(4), pp. 378-393.
  8. Springer, P. J., Black, M., Martz, K., Deckys, C., & Soelberg, T. (2010). Somali Bantu refugees in southwest Idaho: Assessment using participatory research. Advances in Nursing Science, 33(2), 170-181.




On intermediaries, mediators, (im)mobilities, and proximities #RaisingDissertation